
Meet Sophida Kanchanarin – Miss Universe Thailand 2018

Sophida Kanchanarin
Sophida “Ning” Kanchanarin is Thailand‘s bet for the 2018 Miss Universe pageant to be held in her own country on December 17. The daughter of a doctor in a prestigious hospital, she was born on 1 April 1995 in Bangkok.

She was studying business administration major in finance at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas when she won a President’s Education Awards Program medal from President Barack Obama in 2013.

Upon returning home after graduation, she began working at TMB Bank as an investment banker and was easily promoted to become the youngest manager at age 23. In her spare time, she is busy with her pet project “Unlock” with the aim of helping girls to “recover and discover their identity, abilities and potentials”.

Related: Miss Universe Myanmar 2018

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